Awards to be Won
Well, I've decided to institute a new awards program here at Eclectic Mess, (or Dragon Hollow, or the Writer's Emporium, or Artistic Endevours - it depends on which site you've just come from)! I was getting a little tired of the old
awards I had to hand out, so I've made some new ones with different catagories. These
The Golden Site Award, to be given to those sites which
I feel are immensely enjoyable and have a lot to offer the online community. Don't assume that that means it'll be incredibly hard to win, though - I enjoy a wide variety of things, and find that many web sites capture my interest and hold it for long periods of time. I've found a number of these recently, and am looking forward to being able to award them!
To see a list of the sites which have won this award, click here.
The Silver Site Award is for sites which I find
to be very interesting. These sites, though not ranked as highly as the Golden Sites, are still quite enjoyable and fairly easy to navigate. They should not be missed.
The Bronze Site Award is for very good sites which don't quite meet my ideas of a Silver Site. They are, however, still good works of HTML and worth spending some time on.
The Award of Artistic Excellence will be given to artists sites which I feel display their owners' works in an interesting, easy to appreciate manner. I'm a huge fan of art, so would love to be able to distribute this award broadly. (If you want the truth, the main reason I created it was so that I'd have an excuse to poke around in other peoples' on-line art galleries!)
The Award of Elegance will go to beautifully designed sites with good information and well chosen graphics. It will depend, unfortuately, highly on my own tastes, but I don't think there'll be too much trouble there - I have very broad interests, and a wide variety of things please me.
To see the sites which have won this award, please click here.
The Award of Truth will be given to web sites with owners who I feel are being true to themselves and to their subject matter. I'm hoping that so many of the sites that apply will fit this definition that it'll become my easiest award!
To see a list of the sites which have won this award, please click here.
The Web Site Award of Excellence is not an award you can apply for. It's my general, all-around surfing award, which I'll give to any site that I enjoyed my visit to. The sites will be chosen based upon my own surfing, not upon any any of the above criteria. If your site has recieved this award, consider it an invitation to apply for another!
To see the winners of this award, click here.
The Award of Perfection goes to those sites that I just couldn't get enough of. In order to win this award, your site must be one in which I can spend hours upon hours without being bored. It must contain interesting graphics, good music, (if music you have - quiet sites are still great!), great information, truth... in short, I'm looking for one damned good site here. It won't be an easy award to win, by any means, but I'm still hoping that I can give a lot of them out!
To see a list of the sites which have won this award, please click here.
And those, folks at home, are our awards. Think you'd like to apply for one? Well, before you do, please make sure that your site fits the following criteria:
no hate pages will even be considered for any of the above awards.
- if there is music on your site, I'd like some way to turn it off. I probably won't make use of this, but there are a lot of people out there who like to surf in quiet, or with their own stuff on. ;-)
- if you have used graphics or information from another site, a link back to them is great to see. Give credit where credit is due. ;-)
- artistic nudity is fine, but I'm afraid I can't award any sites with pornographic materials on them. Fantasy sites and art sites are fine, but porn is out of the question.
- I know this sounds terrible, but I vastly prefer sites with good grammar. I find it very difficult to read some of the sites out there.
- I'm afraid that if your site is in a language other than English, I won't be able to read it, and so will not be able to judge it fairly. As a result, I have to ask that you don't submit it. I can read French and Spanish very poorly, but even with those two languages I don't feel comfortable enough to be able to judge someone's site fairly.
- signing my guestbook isn't required, but it is a bonus. After all, I'm going to be critiquing your site; wouldn't it be nice if you told me what you thought of mine, too?<>
- Your page does not have to be child safe. That's right - those of you with pages containing your writing and artwork of a PG13 and up rating can apply! As the webmistress of a stories page that expresses my own personal desire for a lack of artistic censorship, I'm tired of seeing awards that can only be won by child-safe sites, and will not have that ban on my own awards program.
There's a catch, though. Your site doesn't have to be child-safe, but it has to have warnings on those portions of it which contain material not suitable for children. I don't believe in censorship, and feel that all artistic pursuits have some sort of merit, but I do believe that there should be some sort of guidelines to help parents and children organize their surfing. Some things really aren't suitable for children, and those who don't want to look at such material shouldn't have to stuble upon it unawares.
Of course, hate sites and pornographic pages will not be considered for any awards, regardless of whether or not they contain warnings.
Those are the rules, or rather, the guidlines. If you'd still like to sumbit your site, please fill out the following form. If you're not sure which award or awards you should be applying for, please check only the last box.
If your browser doesn't support the above form, please send me the following information by e-mail:
- your name
- your e-mail address
- the name of your site
- your site's address
- the award(s) you would like to apply for
Please allow two weeks between awards applications. Thank you.